Saturday, February 26, 2005

knobstacle course

This blog is turning into all weekend recaps all the time. Meh. Last night we threw a party. They've been in a steady decline for the past year or so, culminating in our all-time biggest failure party in december, at which we (a) lost money (b) broke an amp, a speaker, and my cd player (c) had several things stolen (d) didn't have any fun. Last night's party was way better, and here's how I know: pretty strangers were (a) flashing (b) dancing in their bras (c) not stealing anything. Two tall girls almost made out, but at the last minute they ended up being sisters. Dan and his friends came to visit from Carbondale, and I introduced him to a hot girl with mad piercings and a boyfriend, and then they made out. Hot Sara(h?) did her usual bit of walking around the party absently, accepting shots and making friends with dozens of unworthy hipsters, leaving a trail of boners. Her boyfriend is gonna have a heart attack at 30. The papers will say it was drugs, but we'll know better, you and me.

A waste pipe blew a hole in the morning, and we spent the rest of the day getting the landlord to fix it and cleaning up the gross dishwater that covered our basement floor. I soaked it up with a bag of sackcrete. So to get to the kegs you had to pass through a concrete-and-dishwater moat. When we throw a party we cover the living room in plastic, and we close off the rest of the house so all you can get to is the living room, the basement, and a bathroom, so you can track concrete wherever you want. Student patrol showed up and gave Bert a written warning that we were too loud. They must have a stack of those sheets in the pockets of their reflective vests. Da-da-da student patrooool! No cops though.

I did a great job of inviting people, and they did a great job of showing up. Yes, right down to the last three girls I've slept with. ohhhhhh. Trouble. Hateful ex had nasty words for me and is still here (go away). Haven't-called-her-since-we-had-sex showed up (because i called her finally) and we had a hug and i was supposed to find her and her friends free cups and i failed and got drunk. And current girl stuck with me the whole night and was blissfully unaware of the others. British Matt calls a night like that a "knobstacle course", and I made it through. Neeta came despite having thrown up earlier and talked about how much tension it caused to make out with her roommates. Phil hears this as if it were explicit instructions: "if you get me drunk and give me a hot stranger, I'll make out with her (and you)." i told her the two girls not making out were sisters, and she didn't see why that should stop them. neeta doesn't have sisters, which explains how she could be serious about something like that. but jesus, still, the very suggestion.

rambling post, hope you enjoyed, i'm going running.


Blogger JD said...

Phil has a harem, too!

1:38 PM  
Blogger K- said...

You are such a great story teller and it helps that you appear to have an exciting life right now.

1:54 PM  

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