Tuesday, March 01, 2005

lame roommates

My roommates' joke hardcore band is playing the courtyard tonight. I'm not mentioning the name, because they'll google for it tomorrow and find my blog, and that is not acceptable. The plan was to go back to springfield to do my taxes tonight, but I forgot about this. So if you wanna see me, I'll probly be in town thursday night.

the trick to a successful joke band is to find a good drummer. this is the trick to any successful band. a choady kid someone knew joined the band as rhythm guitar or something. someone made a derogatory comment about god during practice and he took offense. he asked if they could do the same show without the blasphemy. so we invented a joke on the way to schnucks that matt'll use as stage banter:

jesus, santa, and the easter bunny walk into a bar. santa offers to buy a round of shots. how many shot glasses does the bartender bring? anyone? guesses?

none! bartenders don't serve imaginary people.

kid doesn't know about the joke yet. tonight he'll have his little moment in the garden of gethsemane and decide his soul is more important than this dumb band. his first night as a fake rock star will be his last, and his bible study group will applaud his decision. hopefully they'll pray for this stupid band to get hit by lightning. i'll be praying that god lets me see it.


Blogger gotshoo.com said...

It wouldn't be one of the greatest bands in the world "M4 M@sterpi3ce will be a Burning Mus3um"??

9:50 AM  
Blogger phillip said...

the one and only. did you find that on the courtyard website? it says they're the only band to use a bicycle as an instrument. but that's not true. some other shitty local band did that just last year.

10:49 AM  
Blogger gotshoo.com said...

I did a 'Google'- yup, the courtyard's site.

Don't tell me they are Emo-Hard Core.

11:03 AM  
Blogger phillip said...

not emocore. they've been accused of covering earthcrisis, if that helps. doesn't help me, but some people know their hardcore.

2:01 PM  
Blogger K- said...

No 4th - 7th weekend recap? Sad, very sad...

10:39 PM  

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